Global Code of Conduct for Research in Resource-Poor Settings
San Code of Research Ethics
The San Code of Research Ethics is the first affiliated code of the TRUST Global Code of Conduct. It was launched in Cape Town in March 2017. Never before had a code been developed by indigenous peoples in Africa to protect themselves from exploitation in research. The development was supported by the TRUST project.
The History of the San Code
The San peoples of Southern Africa have been the object of much academic research over the past centuries. In recent years San leaders have, with increasing confidence, arrived at the conclusion that most academic research on their communities was neither requested, nor useful, nor protected in any meaningful way. The San Code of Research Ethics – Its Origins and History describes 25 years of efforts to achieve equitable partnerships between the San and researchers.
Translations of the San Code
- English - San Code of Research Ethics
- German - San Verhaltenskodex für ethische Forschung
- Afrikaans - San Kode van Navorsings Etiek
- French - Code San De L’ethique De La Recherche
- Portuguese - Código San De Ética Da Investigação
- Chinese - 桑族人研究伦理规范
- Japanese - サン人の研究倫理規範
- Spanish - Código Ético San Para La Investigación
Rapping the San Code!
In 2018, TRUST partner Foundation Global Values Alliance sponsored a dance, music and rap competition in South Africa. The TRUST jury was looking for artistic representation of the San Code of Research Ethics and in particular the values of fairness, respect, care and honesty. However, the outcome was much more than this: powerful messages in highly creative videos filmed in amazing scenery! The winner won unanimously. “The video of !Khwa ttu Kids, We are the San, deserves first prize“, said the Jury, “because its story is most beautifully told, the dancers and singers are unusually talented and the serious topic is explained with a joyful spirit“. The winners “were ecstatic with delight” when they heard the news. Their video, released on July 26, 2018, is available on YouTube!
The runner-up video from the !Xun girls was awarded 2nd place unanimously because it touches the heart! The catchy song has great raps and the harmonies between the singers are excellent. The dancing is very well choreographed and the video conveys fun and energy throughout, a joy to watch. The video of the /áuni children was awarded 3rd place because of the poignant portrayal of severe, extremely distressing past injustices to the San. Artistically well executed video, with a stunning combination of soundtrack, voice-over and archive material. Well done to all teams!!
On YouTube
Watch this space!
The development of the Global Code of Conduct for Research in Resource-Poor Settings has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 664771